:: Contemplate :: calm
:: In the house :: safe
:: Classical :: Bach
:: Quest :: Link
:: Best friend :: JP
:: 1991 :: Gulf War I
:: Never will :: stubborn
:: Fool :: “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?" Proverbs 1:22
:: Unhappy :: Sometimes.
:: Best man :: My husband. He's simply the best man I know.
I have a much longer update, but between three of us being sick for the last week, crafting for Halloween this week, and planning a party for next weekend, I won't publish 'till this evening.
Until then, please enjoy this, in honor of the conviction of Congressman Ted Stevens of Alaska, R(eprobate) on all seven counts(^). Regardless of party affiliation, we as Americans should demand more and never tolerate corruption.